- My topic Spotify New Rules 2 hours a...
- 2020-08-20 02:21
- My topic Categorie is deleted with a...
- Today it crashed so i logged in new and under accounts management my categorie was not there anymore. This is the first time it happened after your update. So what should i do now? how can something like that happen???
- 2020-03-02 06:25
- My topic I dont recommend to buy PVA...
- Over 6 weeks we have this problem with spotify account creation. They only answer that costumers get is, that their programmers are STUDY the problem. If their programmer needs 6 weeks to Study then i dont know what kind of programmers are that. I know this concerns now for spotify account creation but it can happen also to any other service of pva creator once in the future. And as you can see they will let you wait over 6 weeks like they are doing it here right now. And the problem is still not fixed. I am sure the answer will be again. HEY YOU GUYS WE ARE STILL WORKING ON THE PROBLEM. PLEASE GIVE US SOME MORE TIME.
- 2020-01-10 07:26
- My topic Spotify account creation do...
- 2019-12-27 01:58
- My topic UPDATE BUG AGAIN Google Win...
- 2019-12-26 04:53
- My topic Follow Artist NOT WORKING!!
- Today i tried the first time the function Follow Artist. It says "sucesss" but it dont follow. i wonder that no one ever realized that its not working!
- 2019-12-03 11:36
- My topic BUG !! Aio stream 2 dont re...
- sometimes i see some windows showing spotify window to ask for register. and the window stay like that all time. will your programmer fix that or not?
- 2019-11-11 02:01
- My topic Spotify accounts are deacti...
- If i create spotify account all is perfect and then after some hours it says username and password not correct. If i make a new password manual then the account works fine long time. why there is not such a function in pva creator???
- 2019-11-07 09:48
- My topic Warning to all Since new Up...
- 2019-11-05 03:38
- My topic Update 1.0.34 NOT WORK!!!!!...
- Before with i could make 10 threads or more. Now since the new update there are just 1 or 2 windows open sometimes no windows!! Why cant you test all first before you give your okay and do updates. can you imagine that there are people who loose a lot of money? No it seems not!!!! It really nerves me that always when there is a new update i can be 10000 percent sure that there are problems and bugs that need to be fixed. Normally every thing test a software 100000000 times before they give their okay to public the update but here no one really cares that their costumers looses a lot of money.
- 2019-11-04 03:57