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Some questions to ask

ReplyThanks 2017/08/23 14:05:15 0 0

The first one is for ads: can it randomize percent say 0-10 % . Some days it is no clicks, then other day 5 percent etc.

Also randomize throughout day:search and ads

Pretend to be a mobile phone?

fake the refer, facebook, etc

any ads, adsense, etc

Will the traffic show up in google anayltics


Now to help you out:

Not sure this or other program works

I typed traffic bot pro in google, I found a site, just for clicking adsense, at 1250 dollars vs 150 here.

Not sure if this this or that program works, but it is 10% of the price

2017/08/23 18:23:54

You can set different operate method for the ads. Click the ads? move to the ads? click and move......

Also you can set percentage for the browser to visit your website.

And you can mobile phone browser too.

Check the sale page to know more details: http://www.trafficbotpro.com/

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