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Blaise Thompson

Ad click.

ReplyThanks 2021/01/14 12:25:46 0 0

How do I turn on adclick? Just click ad “true”

I have the program up and running. It looks different from the video. How do I turn it on adclick? Can I manage ctr or does it click on ad every time program is opened.

Also is there any more videos on how to operate?

Dora Smith
2021/01/19 17:34:50

Are you referring to this function?

If so, you can refer to following post.


Or you can contact us via following address.


2023/07/09 05:04:36
Nice article
2023/07/13 04:44:49
Nice article
2023/07/13 04:48:59
In the USA there are multiple million individuals utilized in IT, a number that is proceeding to develop many years. As per SelectUSA, there are in excess of 525,000 IT and programming based organizations working in the country. These organizations can assist you with all that from setting up Online business stores for your independent venture through to introducing significant ERP frameworks to run your whole organization. Innovation is hugely sought after if you have any desire to maintain your business actually, but finding innovation counseling organizations that you can trust to help you is far more diligently than you would anticipate>> click to read
2023/07/28 21:55:39
Simply search for the name of the program you are using followed by "tutorial" or "how to use," foodle and you should find relevant videos that can help you get started.
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