Server Status
This tool can be used to identify any potential issues with your website by checking the server status. Enter up to 100 websites (one URL per line) in the large text area, and then click a button to see the HTTP code and status for each website.Understanding The Server Status Codes:
§ 200 OK is good. This means that your server was able to return content for the URL you requested.
§ 301 Moved Permanently means that the requested URL has moved permanently, and all further inquiries should be directed to the new location.
§ 302 Found means the server has found a temporary redirection. This URL should be used again for the next time, since it is only temporary.
§ 307 Temporary Redirect is similar to a 302, because it is a temporary redirect and the same URL should be used again for the next time.
§ 400 Bad Request simply means that the server did not understand what you were looking for.
§ 401 Unauthorized means that your server will not grant access to the content without authorization
§ 403 Forbidden means that the server will not show you the content, regardless of authentication.
§ 404 Not Found is a common frustration, and might even be what you’re checking for with this Server Status tool. This error code lets you know that the file you were looking for is not found. Search engines need a 404 to know which URLs are valid and which aren’t.
§ 410 Gone is similar to 404. It lets you know that the URL you were looking for did exist, but is gone.
§ 500 Internal Server Error is another frustration that must be directed to your web host or system administrator. It means something is wrong with the server.

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