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Why we got Pro Version Which only allow 3 threads ?

ReplyThanks 2015/08/27 00:10:07 0 0

We bought AnswerEyeUltimate last year, and it didn't work for a very long time last year also this year, no update.

And then you guys changed the name of the software, and give us a free upgrade which only allow 3 threads ?

This is unfair,,,i bought a lot of software from other companies, like Kontent Machine, PinBlaster, GSA SER, GSA CB, they all update all the time, and they don't charge for the update or limit the function when update.

Compare your price with these softwares, and the service/update you provided, you can check other threads on AnswerEyeUltimate forum, you guys didn't update for a long time last year. This is unfair.

Also, i tried the software today, it failed to answer, all task show "Question Reason"

Would you please explain what is "Question Reason"

2015/08/27 04:00:56

Question Reason contains question deleted, question closed, etc.

If not these, maybe there is an update on yahoo, we need check.

And you can email me your current serial code, I can upgrade your account.

Let's ROCK!
2015/09/30 20:18:13

so did you check ? it has been more than 1 month now.

i am sure it is not due to question deleted and question closed.

2015/09/30 22:02:45
3 # JackLien 9/30/2015 8:18:13 PM

so did you check ? it has been more than 1 month now.

i am sure it is not due to question deleted and question closed.

Hi, @ JackLien, we will check it, please send your current serial code to [email protected], we will upgrade your account asap,thanks.

Best wishes!

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