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IP FingerPrint

ReplyThanks 2020/02/06 18:13:41 1 0

Is there any tutorial video or steps on binding the fingerprint?

I have added in the Ip together with my account details in CSV format.

So the IP column has already shown "Bind" when i add the accounts.

However, the fingerprint column is "Unbound".

What are the steps to bind the fingerprints? I tried selecting all the ips profile in proxy manager and press okay to bind. Proxy Manager Log show "Bind Fail."

Please help. Thanks

Edit: I tick the proxy group list under Proxy button and now it all binded.

However, how to check if the accounts are using the correct assigned ips? any method to show?

2020/02/18 16:34:21

May i know which version you are using? You should bind in the proxy manager.

If you import in one csv file, it will bind the corresponding proxy.

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