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Wait Loop Question

ReplyThanks 2015/03/23 05:16:00 1 0

I use often that Wait(loop) action, and it's pretty awesome.
But I have wondering this :

Can I make it doing the action like 5 or 10 or 11 or 2 times ?

At this time it doing wait (loop) forever or onetime, so how I can decide how many times bot doing that Wait(loop) action ?

2015/03/23 11:09:15

You need use more action together for this purpose.

1. Add a number variable A, and set it to be 1.

2. Add a number variable B, and set it to be 5.

3. Add a wait(loop) action.

4. Add any action you need in the wait(loop) action.

5. Add an if action in the end of the wait(loop) action and set it to compare A and B, if A=B

6. In the True of If action, add a break action to exit loop

7. In the False of If action, add a Varaible Opeartion action to make A=A+1

This way, the wait(loop) will loop 5 times, you can change the B's value to loop certain times.

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